Sunday, September 14, 2008

Is the church still true at 3:00?

3:00... yeah that's right, our Sacrament Meeting is at 3:00 in the afternoon. Our church starts at 1:00 with Sunday School, then we have Relief Society/Priesthood, and finally at 3:00 we have Sacrament Meeting. If you haven't already guessed. I'm not so much a fan. I've never had church in that order. And I think the last time my church started at 1:00, I was about 10. Since then I've had times ranging from 8:30 to 11:00 and just about every half hour in between. And yes, I have gotten quite used to that schedule on Sundays.

Of course the church is true no matter what time your meeting is, but it kinda makes your Sunday short when you get home around 4:30. That's all I'm saying. I'm sure I'll get used to it, and I know people who live an hour or more away from their chapel have it much worse. But for now I'm gonna complain.


  1. Oh, I hear you Shauna!!! Our war starts at 2:00 now... we get out at 5:00 - it is seriously crappy. We are for sure not fans!

  2. Thanks so much for the article, Shauna! I've starting reading it and it is so perfect. I love you blog, by the way. The dancing toys/stuffed animals is my favorite. :)

  3. I know exactly what you mean. It's awful. At least we'll get a new time next year.

  4. Totally feel you on this one. Our BYU ward started, YES STARTED at 2:30, yup 2:30 to 5:30. Not getting home until 6 PM, when it was DARK outside in the winter. Total bummer. We did that for a year. But, We're still members and have strong testimonies. So we can vouch for the crappy times! :)
