Friday, September 26, 2008

Why I have been banned...

...from having water on my nightstand. Two Saturdays ago I spilled the cup of water I had on my nightstand on our wireless router. We did our best to dry it off, but in the morning our internet didn't work. So we used a nearby unsecured network for about a week while we waited for the router my mom found on eBay for $30 to come. (Thank you mommy!)

Unfortunately the next Sunday that unsecured network stopped working and our router hadn't come yet. Monday it came, but we didn't know how to set it up and Rex, our personal tech support, didn't answer when we called. Tuesday we were busy... Wednesday Rex and Roger got it installed, but for some reason it wouldn't work. Thursday Roger finally was able to get it working after many calls to Veracity Communication (our internet provider).

We were both annoyed with the lack of internet in our apartment, but Rog was a little more annoyed because the internet has become pretty essential in everyday college life. So I have been banned from having water on my nightstand at night. This may seem a little harsh, but it wasn't exactly my first offense.

Two years ago I did the same thing, except with my laptop. And a few months ago I did the same thing with our router, but that time it survived. This time, it was not so lucky. So if I die of dehydration one of these nights, you now know why.


  1. You are welcome. Glad my ebay shopping comes in handy.
    Maybe Roger would let you have a sippy cup at night.

  2. This happened almost two weeks ago and it is still causing problem.
