Friday, September 26, 2008

A busy week for us Phillips

Well it would appear that school is in full swing now. Rog had two tests, a group case, and an accounting project this week. The accounting project is due at 10:30 tonight and yes, he's doing it right now. Because I don't know how to so much as look at an accounting problem without doing it myself, Rog told me I have to blog while he does it. Aside from the fact that I would probably love doing his assignment for him (I'm not being sarcastic, I really would love it!), I'm not complaining too much because I've been so busy this week that I haven't had any time to post.

Monday was laundry night and grocery night... Tuesday was the So You Think You Can Dance Tour... Wednesday we had the Kaufmans over for dinner and I had tap practice... And Thursday I worked in the temple all night. Phew! Good thing it's the weekend and I can finally relax a little. I say little because tomorrow should be a pretty busy day with Enrichment in the morning and the Relief Society Broadcast at night. As some of you know, I'm the Relief Society Secretary in our ward, so I get to help out with both!


  1. Isn't accounting fun Roger!
    Like mother, like daughter. Gotta love those numbers

  2. Man! You guys need to relax and slow down. You need to be more like my friend from the South. Her name is Abigal and she is way chill.
