Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My First Real Surgery

I had my wisdom teeth out the summer of 2005, but other than that, no surgeries for me...until yesterday. The day started out bright and early because we had to be there at 7:15. First they checked me in and I had to fork out $500 for my deductible! I'm pretty sure that was the worst part of the day... Then they took my blood, made me pee in a cup, and get in one of those very attractive hospital gowns. This is me waiting for them to come get me.

After about a half hour of waiting, they wheeled me over to Pre-Surgery where I got to talk to Dr. Jacob and the Anesthesiologist. It took 2 tries, but they got an IV going and wheeled me into Surgery. And I don't remember anything after that until I woke up in Recovery! Here are some very unattractive pictures and a video Rog took before the surgery.

While I was in Recovery, Dr. Jacob talked to Rog and gave him some pictures they took during the surgery. Dr. Jacob said the surgery went very well. It turns out there were two smaller cysts on my right fallopian tube and one larger cyst on my right ovary. He drained the two smaller cysts and drained and cut out the larger cyst. He told Rog that he had to blow up my abdomen a lot because I'm skinny and have strong abdomenal muscles. (Confession: I HATE doing situps, so I haven't done many since coming to college. So I was kind of excited that he said I have strong abdomenal muscles. Apparently running has kept them strong.)

After I woke up and the lady in Recovery gave me a couple ice chips, they wheeled me back to my room where Rog was waiting for me. I was so happy to see him and hear what Dr. Jacob told him. Roger had been studying for an accounting test he has this week during my surgery, so he asked me some questions and surprisingly, I was able to answer them pretty well. (I know, I'm an accounting freak!) Here are some pictures from after the surgery and another video.

After they finally released me, Roger took me home and then went to get my meds. (I've been on Percoset since about 2:00 yesterday, so I'm a little worried about how I'll feel when I run out.) Roger had to work at the temple last night (I got a sub.), so my sister, Diana came over to babysit me. And my sweet Grandma and Grandpa Ford brought me some chicken noodle soup. I watched a few episodes of Friends and then we watched Baby Mama and Hercules.

Today I watched Enchanted and have just been chillin' around our apartment. Rog had to go to class today, so I've been a little lonely. My goal is to shower before he gets home. I have 3 small incisions - one in my belly button and one on each side by my hip bones. They used some super glue for skin instead of stitches to seal me up. I feel pretty good other than my stomach muscles are super sore, so every time I move I can feel it. And my stomach is just a little swollen (mostly my belly button). I'm not such a fan of that! Everybody keep me in your prayers tonight because I told them I would be back at work tomorrow. If I feel awful, it won't be the end of the world if I don't go, but I really would like to get paid and I don't want to use all of my PTO!


  1. I'm glad you are feeling well enough to write a blog. I wish I could have had the surgery in place of you - I hate to see my daughter suffer at all!

  2. I'm glad that the surgery went well! I know how it is recovering from surgery, so if you need some help with anything when Roger isn't home (or even if he is) let me know and I would be glad to help!

  3. I am sorry you are lonely. I should be doing homework but I wanted to see you handy work. I am very happy that you put all of those wonderful pictures and those totally awesome videos online. It made my day. I hope that you start feeling better soon.

  4. Oh man! I hope that you are feeling better. This is exactly the surgery I had when I had my appendix taken out in February. It was on a wednesday night, and I didn't go back to work until Monday or Tuesday (plus it was a payroll week, a little less planned than yours!)!! So you are brave girl trying to stick it out and go back to work so soon. But I totally know what you are going through, so if you need a can call me! I have no job, so I'm home ALL day long. :) Hope you're feeling better fast, and don't have to drain that PTO!

  5. Awwwww, you look cute in a johnny, not everyone can pull off that look, you know. Did you at least bring Betsy home in a cup? After all, she has become part of the family...
    So, you scored you some Perocet, eh girl? Enjoy! :)
    Glad things went well and hope you get feeling better real soon...shout out to Alyana!
    love, tracy

  6. I'm glad it all went well! Dr. Jacob is a easy one to trust, I'll bet that was comforting. How long will it take to heal? As far as your tube, I guess they didn't have to cut your tube, right? I hope scar tissue is minimal so you're not as high risk for Ectopic Pregnancies :) I'm glad it went well though, good luck on the recovery! Did you go back to work today? You sure are a trooper!

  7. Glad everything went well. I would be totally freaked out if I had to have surgery!
