Sunday, September 28, 2008

Saturday Picnic

Between helping with Enrichment in the morning and helping with our stake's dinner before the Relief Society Broadcast in the evening, I had a few hours. So Rog and I went on a picnic! I hadn't seen the addition to the Tanner Building yet, so Roger took me on a tour. And then we found a nice tree and had lunch. I must say that going up to campus is much more enjoyable now that I'm graduated.


  1. That picture with you lying on Rogs tummy is very cool.

  2. Glad you found a free moment amidst all the rush! Looks like fun!

    And yes, we will definitely be craft buddies when I move to Provo!

  3. Hey Roger, when I was going to BYU they built the Tanner building for me and now they have built the Tanner addition for you. Sorry it wasn't done in time for you, Shauna.
    Who was the photographer? Wish I could have a tour.......

  4. Soooo, you got a new building, eh? Utah State is still waaaaay better....Mooo, "Cow Tech"...go Aggies! heh, heh. 'Specially if you want cute Sociology professors who wear shorts and flip-flops :)(remember, USU is grandpa's skool there !) Just kiddin'...
    Hey, picnic sure looked fun...."lucky". (ala, "Napolean Dynamite"). love, the crazy aunt

  5. PS Hope the surgery went well and everything is okay...waiting for an update....

    l'Shanah Tovah

    Happy New Year!

    Love, t
