Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Halloween started out bright and early for me. I had to be at work at 7:45 (I usually get there between 9:00 and 9:15). And I spent the whole day counting these:

Well, actually this is the latest model that we are installing, APX 32 EN. I got to spend the whole day counting APX 32 which is the older model that we aren't installing anymore. In other words, I had to spend the whole day counting OBSOLETE inventory. Luckily, we finished around 2:00 and I got to leave at 3:00 to drive down to St. George for the weekend.

My parents were nice enough to buy us tickets to Thriller at the Tuachan. Thriller is a Halloween themed dance concert put on by Odyssey Dance Theatre (a company based in Utah Valley). My family has seen Thriller many times, but Roger and Jason had never been. It's a really cool, unique dance concert, so everyone can enjoy it.

Finally before we went to bed, we dressed up just to take pictures. I thought of the idea for our costumes months ago, so even though we didn't have an opportunity to wear them anywhere, I still wanted us to dress up in them. I was Miss America and Roger was a nerd.

This was the first formal dress I ever bought and I was pretty proud that it still fits perfectly. We forgot to slick Rog's hair, but other than that, I think our costumes turned out pretty cool.


  1. Your husband is the coolest nerd I have every seen.

  2. Awesome costumes! Are those your cute halloween decorations in the background?!

  3. I have always wanted to see Thriller!! It comes to USU the weekend before Halloween always but I have never gone! I am jealous!

    ps- how did you get the top of your blog look like that cute scrapbook? With all the pictures and your name? So cute! You must tell me how!

  4. Wow. You guys both seem pretty convincing at your respective Halloween characters. No offense, Roger :)
