Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We voted, did you!?!

Last night Rog had the brilliant idea that we could run to our polling location (about a mile away), vote, and then run back. We thought that if we got there right when the polls opened at 7:00, we wouldn't have to wait. Well, we were definitely wrong. We had to wait about a half hour, but that wasn't so bad. We were glad to see so many people out to vote! We were proud to wear our voter stickers all day and grateful that we live in a country where we have a say in who leads us.

This was my second presidential election and Rog's first (he was on his mission for 2004). But this time I actually knew a lot more about the major issues. I still ended up voting Republican, but I felt better knowing that I wasn't just blindly voting.

It will be interesting to see how the election turns out. It'll probably be Obama, but I am still hoping that McCain will pull through. I said that if Hillary Clinton won the election I would move to Canada, so at least she's already out and I can stay here in the good old USA!


  1. I'm glad that we don't have to move to Canada.

  2. I rode my bike to vote and had no wait (At 11:30 a.m.)
    The "Clinton" dislike must run in the family.

  3. Hey, great election, eh? :) (i am probably the only one in the extended family who thinks so...!) They warned of looooong lines in this "battle ground state". I was in and out in about 20 min! The "early birds had lines around the buildings...good thing i didn't have to work yesterday.

  4. "........run in" s o m e of the family...meaning everyone (including Chris!), but moi!

  5. Hey sis,
    You rode your bike to vote? Way to go! i rode my horse and just locked her up to the bike rack and hoped she didn't "poop", 'cause i forgot to bring a trash bag.....

    heh, heh :)
