Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

*Note: In case some of you might not know, Roger's family moved from Oklahoma to Colorado, so that's why we came to Colorado for Thanksgiving.

For our Thanksgiving dinner we went to one of Roger's cousin's houses. I hadn't met very many of Roger's cousins, so it was fun to meet some of them there. Here are some pictures from the festivities.

On Wednesday, KD and I made pies. She made the crust while I made the filling. We made 4 pumpkin, 1 lemon-meringue, and 1 apple. MMMM!

Yummy appetizers

How many guys does it take to fry a turkey?

Taking it out of the oil

And carving it!


  1. I THOUGHT his family moved, but I couldn't remember, so my apologies!!

    I have never had fried turkey..that is one way to do it! Way to go Phillips Fam!

    I bet your pies were delicious! Looks like a fun Thanksgiving!

  2. Wow! What a blog you've got. I am so impressed!

  3. this is the coolest looking blog that I have every been on. You are so impressive.
