Friday, November 28, 2008

Twilight Review

Before I start this I must give my disclaimer: If you haven't read Twilight or seen the movie, I MAY spoil some things. I'm not really planning on it, but if I do, I'm sorry... You were warned!

As it started, I kept noticing things that were wrong... Some were things that were different in the book; i.e., Bella didn't call her mom she emailed her, they were going to Prom at the beginning when it was the spring dance (a girl's choice), Bella got more information about vampires from Jacob, she didn't go into the book store, they skipped the meadow scene, they didn't go to the Arizona airport (I could go on and on)...

And then some of the things I had just imagined differently (the main problem with reading a book and then seeing the movie); i.e., Arizona didn't seem warm enough, Bella's bedroom was too cluttered, the dance studio wasn't right (probably because I imagined my dance studio), and then some of the people were just not how I pictured them.

I had imagined everyone being white, so it threw me when Eric and Angela were Asians. (I have no problem with Asians, I just hadn't imagined them that way.) Rosalie wasn't beautiful enough. (I swear I could see her brown roots!) And Jasper wasn't what I had imagined either. However, some of the characters were right on. I really liked Bella, Alice, Esme, Jessica, Mike, and Charlie. The other characters were somewhere in between. I would have really liked Victoria, but her hair wasn't red enough. In the book she describes it as fire, so I imagined in like my SIL, Kenzie's hair. And I guess this discription wouldn't be complete without Edward... I just didn't know what to think of him. Sometimes I liked him, but sometimes I didn't. Sometimes I think they overdid the whole vampire thing. I'll leave it at that.

But when I got over all these things, I ended up really liking it. I had heard that they skipped too much of the romance, but I thought it was just right. I actually thought their love was believable.

I'm both excited and nervous to see New Moon when it comes out. New Moon was my favorite book to read because I thought she did such a good job describing the anguish Bella felt when Edward left (there I go spoiling things). I just don't know if they'll be able to show that anguish in the movie, so that might be a make-it-or-break-it point for me.

Anyway, if you haven't seen Twilight, I would recommend it. Even if you haven't read the books. In fact, not reading the books would probably make it better because you wouldn't be so picky like I was!

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