Friday, November 7, 2008

Rog the Frog

I don't post much about Roger on here, but I've been wanting too. I saw this tag on Ashley Lee's blog and thought I would do it even though she didn't technically tag me.

What is your husband's full name? Roger Demott Phillips

How long have you been married? 1.5 years!

How long did you date? 6 months before we got engaged and then we were engaged 4 months.

How old is he? 23 (exactly 1 year and 2 months older than me).

Who eats more sweets? That's a tough one, but I would probably have to say he does. Sometimes he can't stop himself and usually he ends up making himself sick. (Silly boy!)

Who said I love you first? I did! He refused to say it until he asked me to marry him.

Who is taller? He is... by 2 whole inches. I'm 5'5'' and he is 5'7''. We are short people.

Who can sing better? Haha! Neither of us can sing!

Who is smarter? Well, I am smarter in the school sense, but he is smarter in other ways.

Who does the laundry? I usually do it. But he helps me by carrying the basket down to the laundry room. And he helps fold too. But in the future that will be my job while he is at work and the laundry room isn't so far away.

Who pays the bills? I'm an accountant, need I say more?

Who mows the lawn? We don't have our own lawn right now, but that will definitely be his job when we do!

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do, we tried to switch it up once and it was just weird!

Who cooks dinner? We both do. He's the house husband right now, so he does it a lot, but if it's a new recipe I usually try it first.

Who drives? Most of the time when we're together he does. But sometimes I do. Long roadtrips are definitely his area though.

Who kissed who first? He kissed me. It was really cute because he asked if he could.

Who asked who out first? Technically he did, but it was only because I convinced his roommate to take my sister on a date and have us double with them.

My husband is AWESOME! He treats me so well and works so hard for me! He always knows how to make me smile and laugh when I'm having a bad day. He is just so stinking cute!


  1. Everything she said about me is a lie, except all of the good stuff.

  2. My favorite part was finding out that Roger asked you if he could kiss you before he did.

  3. Isn't that funny? I posted that too because I hardly ever write anything about Brett on the blog. I'll have to be better at it in the future. I love that he wouldn't tell you he loved you until he proposed, even though he wouldn't have proposed unless he loved you. :o)

  4. Very hot picture...does he wear the mask to bed....? Well, you posted it.... :)
