Sunday, November 9, 2008

Who doesn't love the weekend?!

This weekend was busy (as most are), but great. Friday night we finally saw Mamma Mia! I have been dying to see it since it came out. But I decided I could wait until it came to the dollar theatre. It seriously took sooooooooooooo long to get there, but it was worth the wait! I LOVED IT and Rog even enjoyed it.

Saturday was tap practice in the morning and then the last home game of the season for BYU. We played San Diego State, so of course we won. I'm hoping that it was a confidence builder for the team. I'm a little bit nervous for the Air Force game next weekend and VERY nervous for the Utah game in two weeks.

Before the game we had our usual tailgate party with my Grandpa and Grandma Ririe. My grandma made yummy chili and we brought cookies with blue frosting. (Yay for food coloring!) Then we sat with some couples in our ward. It was a good game, but it's always sad to see a season start to come to an end.

After the game I went up to Salt Lake for my friend Emily's bridal shower. I forgot my camera in the car, so I don't have any pictures. Maybe I'll steal some from her blog when she posts them. It was a fun shower and it was good to see some friends from high school that I haven't seen in a while.


  1. Thanks so much for coming up my dear!! Soon we won't have to commute to play!

    I posted pictures but there are more with you in with Aubs or other girls, if you want them, let me know. I can email them to you!

  2. I'm so proud of you waiting until Mama Mia made it to the dollar theatre. I liked that movie too!

    I would love to hear more about the shower (who you saw, etc.).
