Tuesday, December 2, 2008

All I Want for Christmas is You!

As you might have guessed from my blog background and header, I'm VERY excited for Christmas! Unfortunately we haven't been able to decorate yet because I came home from Colorado with a NASTY cold. I seriously can't remember the last time I had such a bad cold. Rog has been so good taking care of me, and today I have been feeling much better. I wanted to have our apartment all decorated and pictures up by now, but instead here is a special Christmas video for your enjoyment. I sent this to Rog when he was living in Colorado the semester before we got engaged.


  1. If it makes you feel better, I still haven't put away Thanksgiving. Hopefully tomorrow.
    I never knew about this cute video you sent Roger.
    Sorry about the awful cold!

  2. this is such a cute video!! I wish I had thought of something like that... And I'm totally in the Christmas spirit too (especially since I couldn't enjoy it as much last year after just having Britton) and am lacking in the decorating department as well :)

  3. Ha ha ha, I am laughing so hard right now. That is funny. I love it. You are too cute and I am sure that Roger loved it.

  4. Sweet moves! This is so cute! I think you should perform it with Roger for a ward talent show!

  5. I LOVE THAT VIDEO!!! It was one of the best presents ever.

  6. Shone! Ems just showed me this and I am dying. I love it and we love you. Ha ha.
