Thursday, December 4, 2008

Creative Release

All day today at work I was going crazy because I wanted to do something creative. I wanted to sew, or scrapbook, or anything... just something creative. It was probably because I was doing my most hated account of all... or because I have many Christmas crafts that I want to do right now, so I was thinking about them. I found this quick project on an old ward member's blog. So as soon as I got home I went to work on it. And when I was done I felt millions times better!

It's a coaster! Basically I just sewed the two pieces of fabric together on 3 sides, flipped it right side out, stuck some batting in there, hand sewed the 4th side, and then sewed the design with my new walking foot. (Roger is giving it to me for Christmas, but he said I could use it early.) It's not perfect, but I think it turned out pretty cute. Maybe I'll make a whole Christmas coaster set!


  1. Oh, that is so cute and you are a big nerd:)

  2. Sigh. i hate crafts, i have no patience for them, so i admire you all the more for creating such a cute and useful item...yay! :)

    (The lady can change a tire too!!!)

    Is there No limit to your talents...?!
    Please pass the.....

  3. Have I told you lately how awesome you are? Wow, I am continually amazed with your creativity and ambition. Love you tons!

  4. Oh man, you are very cute! I love all your crafty and food endeavors, i wish i was that motivated! Anyways, i also wanted to say HELLO! How's life in Provo and at APX?? I email Linda all the time, and it totally makes me miss you guys there! She always keeps me up on all the APX happenings! Hope all is well!

  5. .....Glock. :P Because, "Nothing says i love you like a Glock".

  6. Shout out to "Voodoo Medicine Man" (a v e r y highly recomended read...go now and see "...Redux", some very funny ED OBGYN stories) for the glock quote!
