Friday, January 30, 2009

Cutest Husband EVER

I know some of you may think that you have the cutest husband, but I'm here to tell you that you're wrong... Mine is! Earlier this week we got talking about love languages and I mentioned that I like notes. Last night when we got home from my show, I found little sticky notes all over our apartment with cute little notes on them.

For example, in my makeup drawer was a note that said, "You are so beautiful that you don't need anything in this drawer." And on a wedding picture, "You really were the prettiest bride ever." It was so fun trying to find where they all were hidden. And apparently I still have one left to find! As you can see there were quite a few of them...

So sorry to disappoint you all, but I think the evidence speaks for itself. I really do have the cutest husband ever! I love you babe!


  1. I am pretty cute, aren't I?

  2. Yes you are Roger! Hey, I recognize those post its!

  3. Hee, where has my brain gone...musta been the ECT...anyhow, i was thinking to myself yesterday, "Okay, i get the 'Y', i would need a 'U', that's not right...must have two 'U's'....oh, yeah...i'm an 'A' ".....doh.

    Grandpa would be sooo embarassed.....
