Friday, January 30, 2009

Random Things about Chief

I was noticing that I have been much less frequent in my blogging this month (probably due to the craziness of closing the year at work). So in an attempt to get my numbers up for the month, I decided to share with you 25 random things about me (in no particular order).

1. I like stuffed animals way more than I should for my age. We have a chair full of frogs (my favorite) and other animals randomly around our apartment.

2. I love playing board games. I'm constantly asking Rog if we can have people over to play games.

3. I check my email/Facebook/Google Reader millions of times a day.

4. I'm obsessed with wiping out the kitchen sink. The apartment is not clean until that is done.

5. When I go running, my feet sweat more than any other part of my body. I take my shoes off to stretch on the walkway outside our apartment after our morning run and I always leave feet prints.

6. I insist on Rog holding my hand while we fall asleep. Fortunately for him, I can fall asleep almost instantly, so he can steal his hand back.

7. I love to do lists. I always have a master to do list for the week, a list at work of the accounts I have to reconcile, and a list of what we are having for dinner each night of the week.

8. I keep my closet organized by when I last wore something, so I don't wear anything too frequently. In high school, I kept a calendar where I recorded what I wore every day.

9. When I graduated from college I also graduated from sandwiches for lunch. The thought of having a PB & J for lunch disgusts me.

10. I keep all my receipts (and make Rog do the same). I am one of the rare people that actually enjoys doing a budget, balancing my checkbook, etc...

11. I frequently wake up in the middle of the night and think that it's the morning. In high school, it wasn't rare for me to shower and then realize it was 2:00 am!

12. At work I have to have my windows in the right order on the bottom of my screen or I can't get anything done.

13. I love pictures and picture frames. I have to take pictures of every event. If I don't have a picture, it's like it didn't happen. I have pictures all over my apartment and even at work.

14. I have way too many hobbies. I love to scrapbook, blog, sew, make crafts, read, and play with our Wii. And there is never enough time for these things.

15. I absolutely love FRIENDS (the tv show) although I never watched it when it was actually on air. I have all 10 seasons and we watch them in order over and over again.

16. A year isn't complete if I don't visit Disneyland. We didn't go in 2008, so one of the first things I did in 2009 was plan a visit there. We're running the Disneyland 5K in September and we have already booked our hotel and signed up for the race!

17. My birthday might as well be a national holiday. I get more excited about it than I do for any other day.

18. I like to find a book I like and read it over and over again. The same thing goes for movies. I hate wasting my time on a book or movie I might not like.

19. I hate split ends, so I am constantly getting my hair cut. I'm not creative at all with my hair, so I always just get a trim and no one notices. I got a hair cut on Saturday and only one person (other than Rog) has said anything.

20. When I put a jacket on in the morning, it takes me nearly all day to take it off. It's not that I'm cold, it's just that I get comfortable in it and don't want to take it off.

21. I never thought I'd be a cheerleader. I tried out because I wanted to dance, but I didn't want to be on the drill team. That being said, I loved my days as a cheerleader!

22. I always think I'm dying. If I have a random pain or anything that doesn't seem normal, I obsess over what is wrong with me. (It drives Rog crazy!)

23. I never like to go to bed without my apartment perfectly clean and organized.

24. I have always thought that I'm not as cute/pretty/talented/popular as my sister. I always was self-conscious being around her friends because I thought they were judging me for not being as cool as her.

25. I'm like Monica on FRIENDS, if it's not a right angle, it's a wrong angle.


  1. I have a lot in common with you. Of course, we've know that for a long time. I'm sad that you compare yourself to Diana. You are both cute, pretty, talented and popular. Much more than I ever was! I do have you beat on stuffed animals. Roger counted the stuffed animals I had out for Christmas (mainly bears, moose and reindeers) and he will have to remind me how many he came up with but it was quite a large number!

  2. That is so sad you compare yourself with Diana...i think you are both beautiful, acomplished,(sp?) amazing young ladies. (Emphasis on "young"!).

    Tangent...kinda personal, but since everyone knows i'm the family Nutcase....i found a new shrink a couple of months ago (a Psychiatrist who actually does therapy...and is young and nice too...!). Anyhow, somehow the topic of my pathetic "job" came up and i started crying-side note i n e v e r used to cry at the shrink's, not even at the blessed Dr. Greenberg's-so, i am silently crying and it comes out that guess who i am comparing myself to and actually do, alot of the time....? That's right.....

    And, Lori, don't even get me started on who is so cute, talented and popular...sigh.

    The only thing i probably beat you both at is number of stuffed animals!

  3. i hope you don't mind that i love to peak at your blog...its so fun to see what an amazing woman that my old buddy roger has! you guys look so happy :D i love that your a neat freak--i sure wish i was.
