Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A new addition...

...to our keychains! All APX employees and spouses of APX employees can have a free membership to the Throwdown gym in Orem. It's a fighting gym, but they also have all the regular stuff you find at a gym. They have free weights, weight machines, treadmills, stationary bikes, etc... And they have classes you can take such as yoga, pilates, cyclying, kickboxing, and many more. When I found out I could have a membership there, it just made me laugh. But after seeing how much APX pays a month for us to be able to work out there ($10,000), I figured I should go. We went tonight for the first time, so y'all better watch out. We're hardcore! Haha!


  1. We still haven't done our gym membership yet! Maybe now that we know that you guys go, we'll have to go get it!

  2. That sounds so fun! I didn't know they had all that other stuff there too.

  3. How are you enjoying the Throwdown Gym?
