Monday, January 12, 2009

What weekends are for...

Relaxing! Most weekends I don't feel like I have actually had the chance to relax, but this one was actually very relaxing.

Friday Rog picked me up from work (he had dropped me off so he could do some errands) and we went to pick up our order from Outback. We had ordered online ahead of time because we didn't want to do the whole wait for a table thing. When we got there, we could tell that we would have had to wait a long time, so we were glad we went with that option. They got our order 100% correct and they even gave us bread, so we were impressed.

After eating we went to the BYU Bookstore to exchange a BYU jacket Rog got me for Christmas because it was just a little too small. I really did like the one he picked out, but they didn't have it in a bigger size. So I picked out a different one and I love it! We finished the night by watching Bee Movie which is an excellent movie. I got it for him for his birthday and when he opened it he said, "I was going to get you this!" Are we married or what? Even though it sounds like a kid movie, we really love it and would recommend it to anyone!

Saturday morning I had tap practice. Rog did the laundry while I was gone (He is such a good house husband!) and then we both folded it and put it away when I got home. We did some errands and some jobs around the house. Then we had my good friends Zack and Emily over for dinner. They got married over the break and now live just a few blocks away from us. We are excited to have them as married friends!! We had Hawaiian Haystacks, Navajo Fry Bread and fruit salad. And Zack and Emily brought some amazing brownies and ice cream for dessert. We played Rock Band which was AWESOME!!

The 2nd Sunday of the month is always super busy for us. Roger has a meeting at 7:00 am and then we both have Welfare meeting at 9:00 and our presidency meetings at 11:00. Finally at 1:00 we start church. I also had tons of paperwork to do for Relief Society (rolls, calendar, attendance numbers, etc). So it was a full day of Relief Society.

For dinner I made beef barley stew that was very good. I think Roger's exact words were, "What I like about it is that it looks so gross, but tastes so good." We ended the night by playing a game of Oh Heck with my sister and BIL. It was a very busy day, but when it was over I felt rejuvenated and ready for Monday which I can assure you NEVER happens. Weird.


  1. It was fun to hear about your weekend!
    You'll have to explain Jason's nickname to me (BIL)

  2. BIL = Brother in Law, SIL = Sister in Law, etc...
