Thursday, March 19, 2009

Oh BYU Basketball...

We weren't totally into basketball this year. We only went to one game (I know, I should be ashamed of myself).

At work last Thursday I listened to the first game of the Mountain West Tournament with my coworkers. Then Friday night Rog and I didn't have any plans, so we went to Legend's Grill to watch the second game. It was a close game, but we ended up losing to San Diego State who then went on to lose to Utah. That was too bad because the only thing worse than BYU losing is Utah winning...

Today was the first game of the NCAA Tournament and BYU fans everywhere had high hopes that this would be the first year in a long time that BYU would make it past the first round. Thanks to the staff accountants of APX were able to watch the game on my computer (of course while working during the commercials). Texas A&M played an amazing game and totally killed us. Even though I was a crappy basketball fan this year, it was still a huge disappointment. My friend Bri Baby described it best when he said, "It feels like I just broke up with a girl."

Better luck next year Cougs. I still love you!

1 comment:

  1. Hope this coming season is better for BYU Basketball! Come on you can do it BYU!
