Saturday, March 21, 2009


Last Tuesday Rog and I got to babysit the cutest baby ever, Lucas Perez! He is only 11 months old, but he has this walking thing down. We took him outside because it was a nice night. It was so fun to watch him walk around and play with his little soccer ball. He is such a happy baby, so that made it nice. He didn't cry until about 9:00 when he got tired, so we just put him to bed. I hope we get a happy baby like him!

P.S. If any of you mothers out there need a babysitter, I am more than happy to do so. I work 9-5, but most nights are wide open.


  1. Your right, I also see him toddlin around in relief society and he is just too cute! Way to go on the quilt, and the whole third book being an inch shorter TOTALLY would have bugged me too! I find myself thinking things like that all the time :) By the way I just love your new background, the colors, the birds, they all just call to me!

  2. You two are the awesomest sitters and Lucas loves you- does it get better than that? I submit that it does NOT! lol :) thanks again

  3. He is adorable.

    Someday you'll have one of your very own!
