Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So proud

of my cute little bunches! Today he found out that he will be working as a supervisor in the APX Warehouse! It isn't official because they are still waiting on approval from corporate to hire, but they basically said that when they get the approval, they will be hiring him! It's such a relief to know he will have a job this summer and next school year! And it's a job in his field. And it's at APX... Too bad the warehouse moved from the corporate building (where I work) to a warehouse in Orem.

He's so cute, who wouldn't hire him?! I mean seriously!


  1. HOORAY! Congrats Rog!! Is this the job he applied for or even bigger? This manager position sounds bigger than what I thought you told me originally....but who knows. That is so exciting, glad they finally gave him the 'official' call.

  2. Yea, Roger. Sorry they kept you waiting so long.......
    Are you trying to be a turtle?

  3. I know, I'm cool :)
