Saturday, March 21, 2009

Anyone see a problem here?

I decided I was going to use some of my birthday money to finish my collection of Harry Potter. About once a year I get an itch to read the series again, so I figured I should own all of them. I only had the last one, so I was going to buy the set of all seven and then try to sell my copy of the seventh, but Brian (fellow staff accountant) convinced me to buy them individually from because it would be much cheaper. He was right. I got all six of these for $62.04....

But please tell me that having number 3 be an inch shorter than the rest would bug someone else too. I know you're out there and I'm not crazy for thinking this. So a new number 3 is on it's way as we speak and my number 3 is again for sale on along with the paperback copy of number 4 I already had. Hopefully they will both sell quickly, so I can make up the money I had to spend to buy number 3 twice. Oh the joys of being a perfectionist!


  1. It looks like the third book is also missing the "Year 3" at the top of the binding and does the title seem harder to read, less shiny and embossed?

  2. Yes it bothers me, too! Of course, you got your perfectionism from me. "It bodder's me" (A comment I made when I was two which turned out to be the motto for my life.)

  3. That would totally bug me. Definitely worth whatever you paid for a new one!

  4. Definitely on board with you there. It would drive me up the wall!! Hooray for OCD.

  5. too. All this OCD...and i'm the one on m e d s ? Go figure!
    It sounds like someone has not only the books memorized, but the jacket covers as well :)

    i think it's time you gave Atul Gawande, MD a try. (and he's cute, too!)
