Sunday, April 5, 2009

Conference Weekend

Friday night Zack and Emily came over to dye Easter eggs, play For Sale, and have lime aid margaritas (alcohol free of course). It was a fun night!

Saturday I made the most yummy treat I've had in a long time. There were multiple steps with waiting periods in between each step, so I worked on it throughout the day. It took some patience, but they turned out so delicious. And when I tasted one, all that work was definitely worth it! You can find the recipe here. I decided not to put them on sticks and just leave them in balls instead of try to shape them. There are lots of cute ways to decorate them (see here). Maybe next time I'll try something a little more complex, but this time I decided to keep them simple.

I loved Conference! We have been working on a puzzle, so we did that while listening and it definitely helped me stay awake and pay attention the whole time. This morning we went to the traditional Ririe conference waffle breakfast. As always the food was delicious and it was fun to spend time with family. It was a great weekend!


  1. Hi Sweetie,

    Sounds like a great weekend. Yum, can I have a bite? Glad we found that puzzle - how's it coming?

  2. The cake pops look like they turned out great!! Nice work. Thanks again for having us over!
