Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A mosaic about Chief

I'm totally copying Ashley Lee on this one... She always has such cute ideas for posts. And this one was a life saver to me while I waited for my AR Aging to run. If you want to do it too, just answer the following questions and follow the directions. So fun!

1. What is your first name? Shauna
2. What is your favorite food? Oriental Chicken Salad from Applebees
3. What is your favorite color? Blue
4. Favorite drink? Water (It's pretty much all I drink.)
5. Dream vacation? Paris to see the Eiffel Tower (Although the thought of going to a country where they don't speak English as the primary language terrifies me!)
6. Favorite hobby? Crafts (almost any type)
7. What you wanted to be when you grew up? A dance teacher
8. What do you love most in life? My husband (so cheesy, but true)
9. One word to describe you? Organized

How to do it:
1. Type each answer into Flickr Search
2. Using only the first page, pick an image
3. Copy and paste each of the URLs into the Mosaic Maker
4. Save the image to your desktop and put it in a post! Have fun!


  1. She put the wrong first name. Chief would have been much cooler.

  2. Yours turned out beautifully! I love all of those pictures. Especially the organized one.
