Friday, May 15, 2009

Go sign up, NOW!

The Freedom Run (1 mile, 5K, or 10K) will be on July 4th as part of Provo's Freedom Festival. If you sign up by midnight tonight, it is only $15 for the 5K or 10K and I think $10 for the 1 mile. And if you sign up two or more people from your family, you get $2 off for each family member after the first. I realize that not many people run as many 5K's as I do, so let me tell you that $15 is THE BEST DEAL I HAVE EVER SEEN FOR A 5K!! To give you an idea of how good this deal is, the Salt Lake 5K was $30 and the Race for the Cure was $25. But you have to sign up by tonight or the price goes up and becomes just average....

I've never done this particular 5K before, but I do know that they give out microfiber t-shirts instead of the regular cotton ones that most every other race gives out. We got microfiber shirts from the Top of Utah and they are pretty dang nice. (Emily, why do you have to be in China? I know you would be all over this!) Anyway, I just thought I would inform anyone who will be in Provo for the 4th of July of this spectacular deal. If you ever have had any desire to run a 5K, this is the one to do!! So sign up now! (The link is on my side bar, just click on the picture.)

1 comment:

  1. Da only reason, only reason i do anythang is for da tee-shat...why do ya thank i becomes me a emt?
