Sunday, May 17, 2009

We bought a car!!

So yesterday we woke up and decided that we would help the economy by buying a car! I mean why not, right?!

Well actually, we decided a few months ago that we wanted to buy a car while the economy is bad because hopefully we would be able to get a good deal. We spent some time researching different cars and decided that we wanted a Honda CRV. I had always wanted a CRV, so mostly I just had to convince Rog that it was a good idea. Lucky for me they really are great cars, so I was able to convince him pretty easily.

We decided we wanted a 2004 or 2005 with between 50,000 and 60,000 miles. Not too old or too many miles, but old enough and enough miles that we would be able to afford it. Oh and it had to be blue. When I got my Civic when I turned 16, I really wanted a blue one, but I went with green because I didn't want to wait. (I was tired of driving my mom's minivan!)

We got some car dealers looking for us at the auctions and my dad and Rog started checking the classifieds and craigslist regularly. We found some cars that matched some of our criteria, but nothing that matched all of the criteria. So we just continued to wait patiently. Because we didn't really NEED another car until winter when the scooter isn't a viable transportation option anymore, we could be picky.

Honestly we had no idea when we woke up yesterday that we would buy a car that day. My family was up in SLC for a family friend's mission farewell and my dad just happened to check the classifieds and found the PERFECT car at the same dealership we bought my Civic 7 years ago! It fit every criteria we had set and was in the right price range, so we went for it!

The newbie has many wonderful features that Fred doesn't have. Some of our favorites:

* Cruise Control
* 4-Wheel Drive
* Automatic Windows (Yes, Fred has manual windows!)
* Non noisy (Fred has been super loud since I was in an accident -not my fault- a few years ago.)
* A gas gauge that actually works (Fred's doesn't work, also since the accident.)

Let's face it, the newbie is just newer and cooler, not to mention prettier. It's in great condition!! Fred has had more than his share of scratches because he was my "learning" car. I will always love Fred because he was my first car, but man, this new car is SWEET!

We have decided that newbie is a girl, but we are having trouble coming up with a name. We need to come up with one pretty quick or newbie might stick. Suggestions are welcome!

Another cool feature - the trunk has an ice chest and a picnic table! This will definitely come in handy on camping trips!

Thanks dad for helping me get my DREAM car!
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  1. Just so everyone knows, Newbie is not going to be its name. We do need some help, so feel free to give us your input.

  2. Mirit, Dahmane, Kolya, Anat, Dalia, Shirin, Sonia, Yasmina, Ilana (yay, name it after you sister!), Sofiane, Tamar.....Oh, and..........Fredricka!

    And, start your week, a riddle (H/T to Mottel and his Blog "Letter of Thought")

    A quest of love begins with me,
    Yet I'm made eternally.
    Drop me and my name I say,
    'Twixt her fingers do I lay.

    Hee, i liked this one because i actually guessed it!

    Sweet car! Send my love to Fred, the f i r s t born!

  3. Uh, that should read
    A quest of love "ends" with me,

  4. Any name yet? How about "George"

    Love the car - Very nice!

  5. Looks like a Sharona to me.

  6. "My, My, My, My Sharona...."

    (Nate wanted s o m e o n e to write that, didn't ya??!!)

    Silly sis, the car is a grrrrllll...but, then again, who's to say you can't call a grrrllll "George"...or "Sonia" or "Sofiane", or......

  7. For Nate "Elmer, you thought we were called "Elmer"?
