Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Personalized Frames

For my first enrichment craft night, we made personalized frames. For the benefit of anyone who missed the activity or anyone who reads my blog and would like to make one, here are the directions.

You will need: an unfinished frame (I got the ones we used from Roberts), 1 piece of scrapbook paper, a small bottle of acrylic paint (2 oz.), Mod Podge (most glues would work fine), paint brush, mounting squares (or double-sided tape), scissors, paper cutter (optional), picture to fit inside the frame, and any embellishments you want to add a little something more to the frame.

1. Paint the edges of the frame.

2. Trace the outline of the frame onto your scrapbook paper and cut it out. I like to just trace the corners and then use a paper cutter to cut the straight lines, but cutting the whole thing with scissors would work just fine too.

3. Trace the inside of the frame.

4. Poke a hole in the center
and cut out the middle.

5. Make sure the paper is a good fit to the frame. Trim off any excess paper.

6. Pour Mod Podge onto the back of the paper.

7. Use the paint brush to spread the Mod Podge. You want a thin layer covering all of the paper. Stick it to the frame and smooth out any bubbles.

8. Apply your picture to the cardboard that came in the center of the unfinished frame using mounting squares or double-sided tape.

9. Add any embellishments to the frame (Mod Podge works well for this because it dries clear) and put the picture in the frame.

There you have it. Super easy and cute!
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  1. Wow, maybe you should keep compiling all of your crafts with the illustrated directions and publish a book someday.

    I want to make one!

  2. i wanna make one too...for my "Accidental Gothic Looking Wedding Pic"...maybe when it Utah? We can get some gothic pretties to embelish it with...lace and ribbon, etc...guess whose wedding...?

  3. Tracy, I can totally help you make one while you are in Utah if you want! That would be fun!

  4. Yay! Hi Shauna! i would love to do this craft with you...who knows, Sam might even join in! :) This would be very great fun! i must bring a copy of "Gothic Beauty" in case i find any pretty ideas!

    "Kolya" (a new name al da time!)

  5. Shauna, you're amazing! Thank you so much for posting this for the ward. Your frame is so cute!
