Sunday, June 14, 2009

Weekend Fun

On Friday, one of Roger's old roommates (Russell aka Lusty) married one of my old roommates (Hannah). We were lucky enough to get an invite to their sealing in the Mt. Timp Temple. It was fun to see some friends from our days in Monticello. Here I am with Ashleigh (Hannah's sister and one of my favorite people.)

Friday night we went on a date to Zupas (one of my favorite restaurants). Then we went on a search for a snow cone (as you can see we were successful) and watched Valkyrie.

Saturday morning Rog took the GMAT. He did 30 points better than his last practice test, but it wasn't quite the 600 we were hoping for. He is going to continue to study and take it again at the end of the summer. Here he is vegging out on one of his video games after the test.

While Rog was taking the GMAT, I went on a few errands and found myself a plant for my pot. It is a Baby Jade and I love it!

It was a fun weekend, but as always, it was too short!
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  1. tongues rock...i expect you hair to be next...! Awww, c'mon, just a few streaks...i'll even go to "Hot Topic" with you to get the goods...
    it can even be temporary!

    So sorry, Roger...i had to take my Trauma Practical a second time...i know its really no comparasin, but still...i hear the GMAT is harder than the MCAT...discuss with BIL....

    Glad you still felt good enough to have some fun after the evil test..

  2. Cute plant...what's its name??

    What game is Roger playing...? Details, people. i want details!

  3. Glad that Hannah found her sweetheart. How do you know Ashleigh? She looks familiar.

    Good work Roger! Hope you enjoy studying. I got very "into" ACT practice tests with Jared. I considered taking the ACT with Jared the day before until I saw I would have to pay $40 extra and learned that Jared didn't like the idea!

  4. I like your plant - You'll have to give her/him a name.

  5. W h a t ? You all don't have to take the SAT's...?? Livivn' the easy life...

    Wow, could it of my favorite words is verification..."icing"!
