Sunday, August 16, 2009


Last weekend we went to the Duck Creek Cabin for the Phillips Family Reunion. It was the first time everyone was together since October of 2007 when Taylor got home from his mission, so we took some family photos. (I also got to meet two of Roger's uncles and their wives that I hadn't met before.)

The highlight of the trip for me was four wheeling. I had never been before and I wasn't sure I wanted to go. Everyone said you get really dirty and that didn't sound like fun to me. But I decided to go and I discovered that getting dirty is half the fun! We stopped at the Ice Cave and Duck Creek Pond.

Another highlight was meeting our new nephew Sam and playing with Aiden. They are both such cute boys!

We also visited Navajo Lake and Cedar Breaks National Monument. Roger and I visited Navajo Lake when we were dating, so it was fun to go there again. The dike, which normally divides the lake in two, had a big gap that had been blown out with dynamite. I decided that I wanted to get to the other side, so I set off walking (very slowly) on the rocks that remained. Roger didn't want to come with me because he had a cold (very ironic seeing as how I got one for my family reunion and then he got one for his), so when I was half way there I decided it wasn't worth it and just came back. I would have tried harder, but I was lost without my adventure buddy.

Cedar Breaks was an unexpected addition to our All Things Utah tour this summer. I had no idea it was there and I loved it! It was a lot like Bryce Canyon - definitely worth seeing!

(Yes, we are matching and no, we didn't plan it. Kenzie and Irving were making fun of us all day until Kenzie took off her sweatshirt and we realized they were also matching - both in black shirts, jeans, and sneakers.)

Thanks Kenzie for planning the reunion and getting us all together! And thanks to everyone for taking pictures of us and making sure we got them. (Our camera tragically died after Alaska.)
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  1. Don't worry Adventure Buddy, I am feeling much better.

  2. I love all the pictures you post on your blog! It's fun to see all of your adventures.

    ps- don't forget to post the magnet instructions because I am so sad I missed that enrichment!

  3. WOW, Another weekend adventure. Looks like fun!
