Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What was I thinking?

Last week was probably the busiest week of my entire life... Ok, probably not really, but I'm sure it was up there. In addition to getting caught up on everything... SYTYCD, google reader, groceries, mail, the budget, etc... I had to get ready for Thursday which went like this:

8:00 am Ultrasound
12:00 pm Accounting Picnic/Baby Shower
3:00 pm Meeting with the CFO and Controller
7:00 pm Enrichment
8:00 pm SYTYCD Finale

What was I thinking?! A baby shower and enrichment on the same day! Well, originally the baby shower was scheduled for Friday, but it got moved to Thursday because we forgot the manager meeting was Friday. It was absolutely crazy and super stressful getting everything ready for the day, but luckily everything went well.

My ultrasound was really short because there was NOTHING to look at! The cysts that were there last month were gone, including the complex one! So Operation Baby Phillips is a go.

The accounting picnic/baby shower was a hit too. After much debate, we decided to invite the boys and I think they actually really had a good time. Most of them had never been to a baby shower (and probably never will again). I think they appreciated being able to attend one. Oh and the girls had a good time too.

The meeting I had with the CFO and the Controller was to discuss a project I've been working on - the AR Rollforward. I'm not going to try to explain it because I don't even completely understand it. It's a simple concept, but it gets complicated fast! I was nervous about the meeting because the variance was pretty huge, but the financial analyst couldn't figure it out last year, so they didn't blame me for it not working this year. We just threw around some ideas about things we hadn't considered before. The variance has to be zero (or very close to zero) by the end of the year, but luckily they realize it's going to take a lot of work to figure out how to get there.

We made magnets for enrichment and they were a huge success. I'll be posting a tutorial for them soon, so stay tuned.

Finally, the finale of SYTYCD was amazing! Jeanine was the winner, then Brandon, Evan, and Kayla (in that order). After Wednesday's show I was totally rooting for Jeanine. Early in the season she didn't stand out to me at all, but she got better every show and I agree with America - she totally deserved to win! My favorite dance for the week was a Mia Michaels Contemporary performed by Jeanine and Kayla. Love it!


  1. It is hard to get caught up after being gone for 10 days - I found the same thing.

    Let's hope baby Phillips is anxious to get here - unlike someone I know and love!

    I'll have to figure out which dancer is Jeanine and which is Kayla.

  2. I would like to give an honorable mention to someone behind the scenes that helped make Chiefs crazy week possible. That person will go unnamed.

  3. I'm loving the idea of Operation Baby Phillips!! Congratulations on completing a crazy day! You really are amazing.

  4. wait so are you pregnant, or planning for future baby phillips? either way, yay that your ultrasound went well!

  5. I'm definitely not pregnant right now. When they found the cysts a month ago they said I shouldn't try to get pregnant until we followed up on them and made sure they were going away. So now I can try to get pregnant... That's all.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. "Baby, baby, fallin' in love, I'm fallin' in love with you...."

    Yay for baby news...! i assume you will be naming it after me, just like you loved all the car names i suggested...hee. :)
