Saturday, September 26, 2009

Canning Peaches

Sometimes it's a dangerous thing for me to read blogs. Case in point, a few weeks ago I was reading over at Little Birdie Secrets and I thought to myself, self, you should can some peaches. It was at that point that I was doomed. My mind started going a million miles per hour thinking how I could accomplish such a task when I had, at that point, not one piece of canning equipment to my name. I remembered days in the fairly distant past up in Park City watching my grandma and mom busily canning peaches and I had my answer. All it took was an email and then everything I would need to accomplish my goal was mine. The peaches were purchased and on Monday night as Rog headed off to the library to study, I started my adventure.

Rog of course returned from the library a few hours later to find this.

A slightly overwhelmed, yet upbeat Chief surrounded by peeled peaches cut in halves. Not even close to being done. He, being the most wonderful husband ever, jumped right in and helped me finish my task.

Around 1 am we finally crawled into bed. Exhausted, but totally satisfied with the 11 beautiful cans of peaches that were canned with our own blood, sweat, and tears. (Fine, there wasn't any blood and actually no tears either, but you get the point.)

Oh beautiful peaches how I love you!

*Hopefully I will still be ever so delighted with my peaches when I crack open the first can tomorrow morning to make wonderful peach crisp from heaven.

Next on the canning agenda: Peach Pie Filling. Bring it on!

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  1. Funny how I have no memory of canning peaches in Park City. Are you sure you don't have me mixed up with someone else!

    What are you doing posting on your blog so late!

    Do you have insomnia like I do tonight?

  2. Chief calls these little adventures- goals. I call them plots to keep Rog awake as long as possible.

  3. HIGH FIVE! Canning is SUCH an adventure! I tried that this month it was hard...and we had 5 of are such a suzie homemaker. Love it!
