Sunday, September 27, 2009

A little bit of everything

I can't think of a title for this post, get ready for RaNdOm!

I've never been much of a tv watcher, but my list of shows that I just have to watch every week has kind of gotten to an embarrassing level recently.

Tuesday: NCIS and SYTYCD
Wednesday: SYTYCD
Thursday: The Office

I used to watch the Office with my roommate, Stacey, every week, so I've continued that. SYTYCD used to be just a summer show, but now they are having a fall season too. And it really is Rog's fault that I watch NCIS. He got me hooked earlier this year. I guess now that I don't have homework to occupy me at night, I've become a real American. At least I can TiVo them if I have other stuff going on and watch them later. How do people watch tv without TiVo?

Speaking of embarrassing... The other day I had another incident with Cliff. I was leaving work a little late and I was in a bit of a hurry to get home and watch SYTYCD with Emily and do a little crafting (yeah, I have a rough life). Somehow in my rush I locked the keys inside Cliff. Seriously?! So I called Rog and he came with the spare key to bail me out.

But one good thing did come out of it. I figured out how to do this to my hair all by myself while I was sitting there. I've done it before, but only with Rog's help.

On a completely different note... Is anyone else just ecstatic that fall is here?!? The time has come for me to start wearing sweaters on my morning scooter rides to work, the leaves are changing, I got to make stew for dinner the other night, and I got to put out our Welcome Autumn door hanging... Oh yes, I just LOVE autumn!

Finally, here is a look at my most recent craft. I decided I can't put it out until October, but that is just around the corner. Yay for Halloween!

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  1. Glad you have two sets of keys to Cliff!

    I bet Roger is glad you figured out how to do your hair by yourself. Cute outfit (and hair).

    I love the BOO - very cute (or scary?)
