Saturday, October 10, 2009

Canning Part 2

This Monday Emily joined me for Canning Part 2 at the Phillips' apartment. We made yummy peach pie filling. I cannot stress how much easier it was with two people! We had an assembly line going... I would peel the peaches and Emily would slice them. We had those babies done in no time! And Rog informed me that they looked better when Emily cut them. Thanks hun! Apparently I am retarded at slicing peaches. Who knew?!

(Don't mind my wrinkly apron. I stuffed it in the laundry basket after my first night of canning.)

The finished product. I decided to do mostly pint jars because I plan on using the peach pie filling as a topping for waffles, pancakes, ice cream, cheesecake, etc... And I figured we wouldn't need a whole quart at a time!

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