Friday, October 9, 2009


A while back I posted about the possibility of Rog getting a new job... Well, he got it! They took a long time to get going on the first interviews and when he finally went in for that first interview, it didn't exactly go very well. The people interviewing him had never interviewed before and he was their first interview. So we pretty much gave up all hope at that point. But then on Monday they called and had him come in for a second interview - this time with someone who knew what he was doing. That interview of course went much better and yesterday they called to offer him the job!

We feel so fortunate because it's not like he was even looking for another job. This job pays more per hour (never a bad thing) and will give him valuable experience in the health care industry. He will be an assistant researcher for KLAS, a company that does research on medical equipment. As I understand it, they are basically the Consumer Reports of the health care industry.

I'm a little sad because I was looking forward to counting inventory with him. We've got a count coming up on October 30th and then the end-of-year count on December 30th. Counting inventory is pretty much the worst part of my job... It would have been much better with Rog, but oh well. It's only 2 days and then I will hopefully NEVER have to count inventory again!

In other job news, Rog did a phone interview this week with Rinchem, a chemical management company, for a full-time job after he graduates. (It went very well, so he'll be moving on to the in-person interviews now.) He would rather get a job in the health care industry, but for now we are keeping our options open and pursuing as many opportunities as possible.


  1. Hey girl! It's Kristen, just found your blog through others! I didn't know you had one! :)

  2. Congratulations on Roger's new job and good luck with the future interviews!

  3. That's awesome for Roger! Congratulations!

    Sorry you lost your pal for inventory counting!

    Keep us posted on the next interview!
