Monday, October 26, 2009

Cougar Saturday

On Saturday, Game Day came to Provo for the big game against TCU. It was the first time that Game Day has ever come to Provo, so it was a big deal. We were running in the Cougar Run, but we stopped by for a few minutes. It was pretty crazy!
Proof that we were there.
I've run in the Cougar Run every year I've lived in Provo (except for last year because I was still recovering from my surgery). It was my first race ever. This year it was the last of 26 miles of races (more on this later). Phew! I was glad I could accomplish my goal.
Later that night, the game didn't exactly go as we had hoped. Emily is mad and I am sad. As long as we beat Utah it won't matter.
And thus ended our Cougar Saturday. Better luck next time, Cougs!
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  1. Go BYU - or N O T !

    Sad faces!

    I think that's the same race I ran years ago . . .

  2. Lets hope the next time game day comes, there is a better result.

  3. So......the Christians (it was Texas Christian, right?) beat the Lions (Cougars)....weird.

    Historically, the Christians didn't have a chance.

  4. And they're "Frogs"....well, "Horned Frogs"....wait, how does that work....shouldn't it be "Horned-or Horney 'Toads'" ??

    Shauna love Frogs, right??
