Monday, October 26, 2009

Carving Pumpkins

Friday night we had the Pughs over for some Halloween fun. Emily arrived with a box of brownie mix and announced that she was going to teach me how to make brownies. Love her! They did turn out well under her supervision. Maybe some day I'll be brave enough to try them on my own again.
Then the girls carved our pumpkins while the guys sat on the couch and flipped channels.
Emily with her masterpiece.
And mine. It's a scary black cat!
After we carved our pumpkins we watched Wait Until Dark - an old, but good scary movie with Audrey Hepburn playing a blind lady.
In other Halloween news, I ordered Garfield's Holiday Celebrations (includues the Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Garfield Specials) on yesterday. Hopefully it will get here in time for Halloween - it was a favorite of mine growing up!
Also, I don't know what Rog and I are going to be for Halloween. Suggestions are welcome!
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  1. She taught you how to make brownies from a box? Instructions are on the back ya know... ha ha jk!! Way cute pumpkin by the way! Oh and I've been loving the old halloweenish movies this year so I just added that one to my list!

  2. Nice work girls - I love the jack-o-lanterns!

    What is it with guys and flipping channels!

    They used to play "Wait until Dark" around Halloween at my Junior High. It is way scary!

  3. Wait Until Dark was a good ol fashion movie.
