Friday, October 23, 2009

The On-Going Battle

Rog doesn't see the need to make our bed in the morning. I, of course, disagree. For one of his classes he was supposed to make a goal and follow through with it. Being the sweet husband that he is, he made a goal to help me more. So now he makes the bed every morning. But he insists on putting the pillows this way.
I, however, would prefer they went this way. (Or at least that they were both the same way - be it horizontal or vertical.)
I guess you take what you can get! :)
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  1. At least it's a quick fix!

    Thanx Roger for helping Shauna!

  2. I think that making the bed is one of the stupidest things that humankind (womenkind) has ever come up with.

    In a society where we value time so highly, we waste some making something that we are only mess up again.

    Really, what a waste!
