Monday, October 12, 2009

Running for the Stars 5K

On Saturday I ran in the Running for the Stars 5K - a 5K to raise money for leprosy in India. It was a very small run (as in the number of people who ran in it) at least compared to other races I've run. It was a very pretty run up Provo Canyon.
I convinced Emily and Zack to run in it with me because Rog was taking a test during the race.
My time was AWESOME for me - especially considering I haven't been training all that much (I've been doing more swimming than running these days) and half of it was uphill. I did it in 24:40! My PR on a 5K is 23:04, but this summer most of my 5K runs have been more in the 25:00 range. So I was way happy with 24:40! I was 21st overall and 2nd in my division (females 20-29)!
They had a breakfast after. Here we are chowing down on french toast.
Thanks Emily and Zack for running with me!

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  1. WOW - 2nd place in your age group! You are awesome!

    Glad you have such awesome friends who ran the race with you. How did Zack and Emily do?

  2. Way to go! You are so amazing, running all of these races!
