Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Don't get me wrong. We love where we live. We've been married almost 2 1/2 years and we've lived in this apartment the whole time. And I know we've got it pretty good as far as storage goes... But recently I have found myself playing tetris with our stuff a lot more than I have in the past.
A few weeks ago I stocked up on corn, diced tomatoes, refried beans, black beans, etc... at the Macey's Case Lot sale and then the other day I bought a huge thing of toilet paper from Costco (only our third time buying it since being married). When I got home, Rog looked at me like I was crazy and asked where in the world we were going to store it. I, being the master of tetris that I am, got everything to fit in our magical closet.
This closet isn't just an ordinary closet. It's a garage, coat closet, linen closet, craft room, laundry room, and pantry all in one!
In this closet you will find: a picnic basket, a grilling set, a cooler, 3 baseball mitts, 2 hula hoops, a snowboard, 2 72 hour kits, a broom, a mop, a vacuum, 2 rotating fans, ties, an apron, my Letterman's jacket from high school, various other articles of clothing. And that's just one half...
On the other side you will find: a drill, drill bits, tools, soil (yes, you read that right, soil for my plant), paint, various liquids for our cars, extra towels, all of my craft and sewing supplies, water bottles, an iron, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, a lantern, batteries, extra wood blocks, many many cans of food (including approximately 36 cans of cream of chicken soup), 25 lbs sugar, 25 lbs flour, 48 rolls of toilet paper, snow clothes, framed pictures we don't have wall space for, our laundry basket for dirty towels, and much much more.
And that's just one closet. Yes my friends, I need a house or at least an apartment with more than one bedroom. It's amazing the stuff you can accumulate in 2 1/2 years! And we do use all of this stuff... Amazing, I know!
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  1. You need a house and less hobbies.

  2. Very Impressive. I could never even dream of taking a picture of our closet because everytime I open it everything collapses on top of me. Yours looks very neat and tidy (what else would I expect from the most organized/cleanest person I know??)

  3. Yes, Shauna, very nicely organized.

    You definitely could use a couple more closets.

    Then when a baby shows up . . .

  4. I feel your pain! I'm an organized freak as well and had our cans of food organized by type even ha but it's so necessary when you have so little space! So we got a house with an unfinished basement just for the space! It's nice but now that we have room, we accumulate even more... Everythings still pretty organized but there's so much space to organize it's not as organized as our apartment, but it's definitely nicer! I almost miss having to re-organize after every trip to the store... oh wait no I don't.. ;) Oh and Garrett is still amazed that I can always find more room in the freezer, no matter how full it is!

  5. Oh man totally feel same, and I haven't even been in my apartment for a year!!
