Sunday, November 22, 2009

Football and New Moon

Yesterday we played Air Force and I did something that is very uncharacteristic of a Chief. I left at halftime. I know, gasp!

I left to go with Emily and all the girls in her family to see New Moon. I didn't have any plans to see New Moon, so when Emily asked if I wanted to go, I jumped at the chance. I figured it would save my cute Rog the agony of having to go with me to see it and I wasn't too worried about the outcome of the game (we beat them 38-21 and that was with 2 of our touchdowns being called back - BOO). Of course if it would have been the Utah game next week, it would have been a completely different story! - I could never miss the Utah game for ANYTHING!

I liked New Moon a lot better than Twilight. The quality was obviously better due to a much larger budget. New Moon was my favorite book because of how the writing made me completely feel Bella's pain. Although the movie tried, it just didn't bring me to tears like the book did. And it bugged me a lot that the werewolves were MUCH better looking than the vampires. I mean, come on. The vampires are supposed to be drop dead gorgeous, right?! So yeah, that's all I'm going to say about that. I didn't LOVE it, but I did like it.

After the movie we went to Sweet Tomatoes. Mmm, so good! Emily's dad and brother-in-law joined us with Emily's niece, Molly. Cutest little girl EVER! And if you met her, I'm sure you would agree.

It was fun to have a girl's night out! Thanks for letting me tag along Galbraiths!
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  1. What do you mean the werewolfs were better looking... Were you looking at other guys?

  2. I was wondering when you would see that movie . . . I didn't think it would take you very long!

  3. i took a quiz that said i was a werewolf..."Awwww-oooooooooo, Werewolves in London"...i <3 that song!
    Glad you enjoyed the hot looking werewolves!
