Friday, November 20, 2009

Public Display of Christmas

I have always been a firm believer that you shouldn't decorate for Christmas until after Thanksgiving. I'm not a scrooge, I just think that Thanksgiving deserves its turn too. I am totally fine with other people decorating whenever they feel like it as long as they keep it inside where I don't have to see it.

Two things bug me more than anything else.
1. Houses with Christmas lights on outside before Thanksgiving.
2. Radio stations playing Christmas music before Thanksgiving.

The other day I was driving home from work a different way than I normally do and I saw a house with its Christmas lights on. For a moment I had a small urge to go unscrew one of their lights, so that the whole string would turn off. I know, I'm pure evil.

Of the six radio presets in my car I really only listen to four of them most of the time. The other two are country which I used to like a lot, but not so much now. Two of my presets are 100.3 and 106.5. Call me a grandma, but they really do play good music sometimes. Well right now these two particular stations are proudly playing Christmas music ALL THE TIME which of course leaves me with only two stations to listen to. I wouldn't mind if they played an occasional Christmas song, but all the time, really?

In one week I will be ready for Christmas, but until then I will turn into a scrooge every time I see a public display of Christmas!

Disclaimer: Please don't hate me. I really do like Christmas, I promise! And I promise I don't hate people who decorate earlier than I think is appropriate. This is just my opinion on the matter.


  1. i totally agree! Thanksgiving is soooo ignored! i love your "lightbulb" idea...hee.

    Happy Thanksgiving, we have plenty of time for Christmas!

  2. PS "It's that time of year..." to break out your CD's...!

  3. I agree but I hate it when people take down their Christmas lights - It seems so blah and boring.

  4. I agree COMPLETELY!!!!!!!! I was so annoyed when a neighbor of ours turned there Christmas lights on BEFORE Halloween! And what makes it worse, we have neighbors that still leave them on clear past Valentines? It goes Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Years- Nothing in between. Nice Post :)

  5. I will be the bug in the system I guess... I disagree. I mean just because you have lights up doesn't mean you are missing Thanksgiving. Maybe it is that they are looking for a festive way to show Thanksgiving. I put up Halloween lights for Halloween and Christmas lights for Christmas because the fall season after the leaves drop looks so plain. It's a great way to boost your spirits! ... I won't put up my lights till after Thanksgiving, but I want to put them up everyday because I can't find a freakin awesome set of Turkey lights! Until someone cares about Thanksgiving enough to come out with Turkey, Pilgrim, and Indian Chaser lights, I must applaud those that make the best of the holiday.

  6. Internet, Quincy, Internet. Hee, i love that your name reminds me of the "real" Dracula.

  7. Hey thanks, that's what my parents were going for... Just wanted to remind everyone of the real dracula :) However, I understand EVRYTHING is on the internet but just because they sell time machines doesn't mean they work. I have tried so many Thanksgiving things... I have to give up. Until of course I can hold it in my hands before I buy it. For whatever reason no one seems to think it is that important to sell them on shelves... bummer.

  8. i think i love you, Quincy! You need a great string of turkey lights (or two!). That would do the trick-(or treat!) Perhaps a (gulp) craft store or Target?

  9. Speaking of what we're n o t supposed to. What is everyone's favorite Christmas song? i love "Fairy Tale of New York" (by The Pouges and Kristy McColl...i'll try to find the right version and send it to Chief...lucky her!) That's my second place "I Heard the Bells".

  10. "The Christmas Song" (Chestnuts Roasting)
    "Where Are You Christmas"
    "Grown up Christmas Wish"
    "Baby What you Going to Be" Not sure on that title, it is one Church choirs sing - I wish ours was singing it
