Monday, November 16, 2009

My brother, the Eagle Scout

So I guess I've kind of been in a blogging funk lately, but I think I figured out why... I have been going swimming for my exercise lately (the cold deters me from running). You may wonder, how are running and blogging related? Well, I will tell you my friends. When I run I think of things I could blog about, but when I swim I don't. I figured this out this morning while I was running for the first time in a week and the whole time I was thinking about what I should blog about. Weird.
Anyway, on to the reason for this post... my cute little monkey brother Jared! (I guess he's really not that little anymore seeing as how he is now taller than Rog, but he'll always be my little brother.) This last weekend Jared became an Eagle Scout!! He's been done with most of his stuff for awhile now, but he finally finished up his paperwork and met with whoever you have to meet with and this last Friday he had his Eagle Scout Court of Honor. We couldn't go down for it because Roger's family was here in Provo planning his sister's wedding, but I am sooooooooooo proud of him!
Camping and all that scouting stuff really isn't his thing. He's more into computers. So in my mind that makes this achievement even more impressive. Way to go Monkey!
Here are some pictures my mom sent me from the Court of Honor.

Congratulations Jared! I love you!
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  1. Congrats go out to Jared! Especially not liking the camping and that sort of thing...i often feel sorry for all the LDS guys who are so not in to Scouting...

    Anyhow, Jared, way to go, a major achievement. Now, is it at this point that you bid a fond farewell to Scouting...? (but someone forgot to tell Mark? Just kidding Mark, i loves you, sweetie!).

  2. PS i can't believe "Ilanya" isn't blogging, especially now that she has such exciting news!

  3. Thanks Shauna for recognizing your little brother!

    It is farewell to scouting. He claims he will n e v e r wear that shirt again.

    Ilanya (Diana) should definitely blog about her acceptance into ???? (You tell us Diana!)

  4. Bah-ha...."he will n e v e r wear this shirt again!"
