Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Proud to be an American

Yesterday was Election Day. And yes, I absolutely voted! I love voting.... It just makes me so proud to be an American.

Election Day is even better when the candidate you voted for wins. Someday I hope to be an educated voter. This year I would say I was semi-educated, but only on the Provo Mayor race. I voted for John Curtis and he won!! I am confident that he will be a good mayor.


  1. Yea! We're good family friends with the Curtis's- they used to live in Richmond. I know he'll do a great job!

  2. You're not going to believe this but I am 95% sure I went to a girl's choice school dance with John while attending Skyline High School. He was a year younger than me and has a sister my age, Kristy. . . go figure!

  3. Hee, face it, sis...we're OLD...wonder why he would choose Utah over Virginia...? Some things just don't make sense...

    That would be hilarious if you had dated him, L!

    i was impressed yesterday, when we went to see Counsel (i love that word, it's sooo "Law and Order"-like, why don't they say "Called to the Bar" here, like they do in Great Britian, instead of "Passed the Bar", or whatever---tangent), anyhow "Counsel" was wearing his "I Voted" sticker discreetly under his lovely wool
    (i wonder where all that came from...) i must be lonelier than usual...ha!

  4. Heh, me again.
    Check out for a funny picture series "B.B.Av Gets a Nice Picture"'s kinda funny, Dr. Sara purposly doing bad photography. Cute cat ("Namer") pic's follow Av.

    Also, check out Random Anorexic's Making the Most of Our Eating Disorder" Funny Ladies.

    Yes, you are correct...i have no life...

  5. "Counsel" is kinda cute, in a bookish sort of it makes going to him a little less painful... ;)
