Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Yearly Reviews

At work we just had our yearly reviews. I think this quote from our payroll manager sums it all up. "On a scale of 1-5 you're a 3. But don't worry, on my scale, a 3 is a really good score." We were told that 60-70% of all employees would be 3s. Only the really really amazing employees would get 4s or 5s. In accounting they were really strict about this. I don't think anyone got above a 3 on the overall rating. I ended up getting one 4 and five 3s with an overall rating of a 3, so I really felt pretty good about it.

Roger didn't get a formal review because he was leaving, but his manager told him that if he would have had a formal review, he would have got a high 4 or a 5 overall. Clearly it's a good thing that he is the one that will be providing for our family soon. We wouldn't want a 3 taking care of that! But I do have to wonder if the people he worked with had anything to do with his rating. I'm not saying he isn't an amazing employee because I'm sure he is, but could it be that he looks amazing compared to the other warehouse workers? And I just look normal compared to the other accountants? Well, I'm sure that the comparison didn't hurt him.

In other APX news, I got a new 22-inch monitor for my computer! When we got a new staff accountant 3 months ago, they set him up with the 22-inch monitor right away. While they were doing it they told us that they would be upgrading us soon. Well, on Monday we were talking about how Bryce has been here 3 months and we were still using our tiny monitors. So I emailed desktop support and after some kicking and screaming (our IT department tends to be Nazis) they gave in and got us the bigger monitors. Clearly they just had the bigger monitors sitting around because they were covered in dust, so why not let us use them? I know I'm a nerd, but it really made my day! Now I can see so much more of my spreadsheets without having to scroll over. Booyah!

Roger is liking his new job. Obviously as with any job there is a learning curve, so I'm sure he'll only be liking it more as time goes on. His search for a full-time job when he graduates is going, but slowly. The companies he has been interviewing with aren't in any rush to get back to him because he doesn't graduate until April. He has a second interview with 3M this week. Yeah, 3M. You know the company that makes post-it notes and about a million other things we use everyday. Hopefully that will go well!


  1. Good job Shauna - I just rated you and you're a 5++++++++++

    Glad you finally got your 22 inch monitor!

    Good luck with your 3M interview - Maybe you should have a stack of post its in hand for the interview. . .

  2. You think I look good compared to a guy that isn't going to college and a guys that drops half of his classes every semester. Why would that be?
