Thursday, December 10, 2009


Baby Phillips!

No this is not a joke, Rog and I are expecting a little bundle of joy. Due date: June 22, 2010!

I had an ultrasound a month ago to check dates and here are the resulting pictures. This first one is measuring the heartbeat; it was going strong at 160 beats per minute!

And this one is just a regular picture of the fetus. At this time it was 13 mm. Of course it is a lot bigger now.

We had our second appointment last Friday. We got to hear the heartbeat and our doctor said that everything sounds great. I've been feeling pretty good. I do get queasy if I ever let my stomach get anywhere close to empty, so saltines are my best friend these days! But considering I can count the number of times I've thrown up on one hand, I'm considering myself lucky. By Christmas, I'll be in the second trimester and hopefully feeling more like myself again. Yooohooo!
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  1. oh yeah! I'm going to be a dad... that's scary.

  2. the 2nd trimester is just plain awesome! I've felt 'normal', it's just all fun b/c you get to feel 'it'. Congrats!!!

  3. Awwwww. cute little jelly bean! Congratulations all around! Can't wait 'til summer! :)

  4. My favorite part is "this is not a joke." Still made me laugh. Congrats you two!

  5. Yay for babies! I'm so happy for you guys.

  6. That's great that you haven't thrown up that much! It makes it that much easier to have a second one. :)

  7. Congrats! :) Plan almonds worked well for me as well, I got REALLY sick of saltines! ;)

  8. Shauna! I am so happy for you both! You are going to be such great parents :) Congratulations!

  9. Hooray!!! Now Sam will have a play buddy that doesn't beat him up! Love you guys!

    And may your baby be blessed with man boobs as well...

    ... if he's a boy

  10. Yay! Thats so exciting, you're just 6 weeks after us! Cant wait to hear what it is!

  11. Congrats Shauna and Roger! That is such exciting news!

  12. Ha, ha, ha, your MIL is funny...."man boobs"....i simply must meet her, she sounds like a riot!
    Did she go to "Burning Man"?

    My sources tell me it's a boy named "Mortichai", but you can call him "Mottel" for short ;)

    or Thomas or Benjamin, or Adam, or David, or Avi, or B B Av, or...

  13. AAAHHH!!! So happy for you!!!!!

  14. Congratulations! That is awesome news! You guys are going to be great parents! Hope everything is going well!

  15. Hee, he sort of looks like "Patrick Starr" in the current photo !
