Saturday, December 5, 2009

APX Alarm Ribbon Cutting

It's an exciting time to be working at APX Alarm. On Thursday we had the ribbon cutting ceremony for our new corporate headquarters. Mitt Romney came and spoke. I'm a huge fan of him, so I was super excited!

Tons of news stations were at the ceremony. Here's KSL's take on the event.

After the ceremony they fed us lunch and we got to see the finished building. The design is very unique. They wanted to be like google, so there are a lot of crazy chairs and stuff. My favorite thing about the new building is the cafeteria. For every 8 hours we work, we get a free meal! No more packing lunch for me! Oh and the chef is the chef from the Chef's Table (a very fancy restaurant in Provo), so the food is good, really good. Anyway, check out these chairs!

They gave us this candy bar as a momento from the event.

Yesterday we packed up our office. And on Monday we will start working in the new building. Yoohoo!
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  1. Apx get a bad rap because of some dumb sales reps, but it really is a good company.

  2. WOW - Who ever said there's no such thing as a f r e e lunch - You'll have to see if those chairs are comfortable!

  3. Subtle, v e r y subtle there, Shauna...Congratulations!!!!!!!!!
    Looking forward to an "Official" post! :)

    Looking good there, Mr. President! (Bet ya knew i couldn't resist!)

  4. Whaaaaa... are you for real? CUTEST BABY EVER on the way! Not to mention luckiest. YAY!

    P.S. You're sneaky.
