Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Catch Up

It's past my pregnant lady bedtime, but I can't stand that my blog is so horribly behind. So here is an update of the past few weeks.

A few Saturdays ago we went to the Festival of Trees with Roger's brother, Taylor, and his girlfriend, Martha. I always performed at the Festival of Trees growing up, but I never got to just enjoy the festival. We had a great time looking at all the beautifully decorated trees, admiring the gingerbread houses, and eating yummy scones and sweet rolls. Here we are with our favorite tree - BYU of course!

And another one of my favorites - a frog tree!

Later that day we picked out our tree and decorated for Christmas. Or rather, I decorated for Christmas while Rog watched football.

The next day while Rog was napping, I decided to make Rice Krispy treats in Christmas shapes. He woke up from his nap to find this...

And this...

Obviously I needed a little help. But they turned out great - well worth all that effort! (Even though Rog may disagree.)

For awhile there it was REALLY, REALLY cold in Provo. So cold that we got frost INSIDE our apartment. Don't worry, our comforter keeps us nice and warm! I just had to take a picture.

I moved into my cubicle in the new APX building. The best part obviously is the free meals - even if once I couldn't eat my meal because the beef tenderloin was seriously mooing at me. I've never seen so much blood come out of something that was "cooked." My other favorite thing about the new building - walking up and down the 3 flights of stairs to get from the main floor (where the cafeteria and entrance are) to my cubicle on the 3rd floor, multiple times throughout the day. (I'm really not being sarcastic, it's good exercise.)

For our Relief Society December Activity we did a service project and made ornaments. I was in charge of the ornaments. These are the 3 we made. I was particularly proud of the middle one because I came up with the idea all on my own!

Rog is busy with finals this week and I am trying to get everything ready for Christmas! I can't believe Christmas is only 10 days away!


  1. Enjoyed every bit of your blog!

    Glad you took the time to post it.

  2. Thanks so much for a great up date. Loved the frog tree, how did they know you were coming?? The rice crispie treats came out really cute and looked yummy and i loved the mess..ha, ha!
    Beautiful Christmas ornaments and what a nice cause.
    By the way, you are still so t i n y (sighs with envy), hard to believe you're pregnant...must be because you're so fit!.

    Byeeeeeeee, love,

  3. BTW, your thought about the Beef Tenderloin (Beef Tenderloin? For lunch???) has me thinking Veggism, again. ;)

  4. Maybe it was Beef Tartar???

    Maybe it should have been put in a pie....

    "Is that squire, on the fire, no it has to be grocer, it's green."

    -Sweeney Todd
