Monday, December 21, 2009

Holiday Cheer

Roger's mom always has a coookie party before Christmas. Every Christmas we've been married, Rog tells me we need to do a cookie party. Finally this year I gave in. Wednesday night we were up until almost 1:00 am making all the cookies. At first our dough was way too sticky and I was sure all was lost. But we added some flour and they turned out pretty good.

On Thursday night the party itself was a success. Not too many people came, but all of our best friends were there. We had a great time talking and laughing. Oh and decorating some cookies. We were left with a TON of cookies, so Emily and I decorated a bunch and doorbell ditched our neighbors to get rid of them.

On Friday night we got together with the Petersons to make gingerbread houses. I do have to say that Amber and Dane's house was much better than ours, but we had fun making them. Notice that our snowmen live inside the house and are absolutely HUGE!! We had a great time hanging out with the Petersons and playing with their cute boy, Tyce.

On Saturday night we got to see Diana and Jason!! They flew into SLC and had dinner with us before heading up to Idaho where Jason's family lives. We were excited to see them because we hadn't seen them since August and we didn't think we'd see them until this summer at the earliest. We miss having them 7 doors down from us!

It was a great weekend filled with holiday cheer! Only 2 1/2 days of work left until Christmas!
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  1. Hee "Dind-Dong-Ditch" That was sweet (get it?) of you! Love the way you are sitting on the counter!

    So happy you were able to see Ilayna and Little M1...wish i could have been there...luckily for you...

    Yay, Christmas cookies! Yay, a n y cookies!

  2. i used to have a blue bowl exactly like that one. i loved that blue bowl. It's been missing for some time now.....

  3. Love your gingerbread houses - both are awesome!

    Sure, I'll have a cookie . . .
