Friday, December 25, 2009

Entertainment Center

Merry Christmas everyone!! I'll be posting about Christmas soon, but I don't have all the pictures yet. (I need to get them from my mom.) So I'm going to post about our adventures with our entertainment center.

Our apartment is furnished and our apartment managers are kind of Nazi about removing pieces of furniture. When we got our new 32 inch flat screen, we knew our entertainment center that came with our apartment would not work. We asked in the office if they would remove it and they said they would put us on the waiting list, but we figured it would never happen. So we came up with a plan to switch entertainment centers with some of our friends who were moving at the end of the the fall semester.

The day before we were going to make the switch we got an email from our apartment managers saying they would take away our entertainment center. We looked at the RC Willey Outlet and found a few in our price range that would work. But Rog decided he didn't want to have to move it when we move in April. So we turned them down and went on with our original plan to switch.

A few days later we found out the people who moved into our friend's apartment really really wanted the entertainment center that we stole from them. Rog went and talked to them and explained that we switched because our entertainment center wouldn't work with our new tv. (Now it's important to note here that they don't even have a tv or at least they didn't when we were talking to them.) He told them that we would switch back if it was really that important to them. We didn't hear from them for a few days, so we thought they were going to let us keep it. But unfortunately they came up and said they wanted to switch back. We were pretty astonished.

So now we are going to have to buy a new entertainment center and either store the useless entertainment center or have two. We'll see. We went to IKEA and found a bunch we liked. Here are our top 2.

This one is $299. Our original budget was $250, but we got some money for Christmas. So we might splurge and get this one.

This one is $130. Not as great, but it will work.

So which one should we pick? Stay tuned for our final decision.
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  1. Hey Shauna! I was so excited for you when I heard you are expecting. Then I found out you had a blog. It's cute and I love your updates. If it were me picking out the entertainment center, I'd pick the one with the most kid friendly build and best child-proof potential. Wish I'd done that at least! Little curious hands get into EVERYTHING! haha, good luck with what ever you guys choose :) Miss ya!

  2. I love this story.
    I also love the first entertainment center, I've stopped to drool over it a few times at Ikea. I'm excited to see which you pick!

  3. Oh the entertainment center...Can't wait to meet the little newlyweds! Ha ha ha. Funny story though, we got a 32" TV too! Zack's parents got us one for our Christmas. Could not have been more surprised! So, we are now on the hunt with you! I vote for the top one.

    See you soon! Have fun in CO!

  4. That is quite the story . . .

    Get your favorite - even if it is the more expensive one.

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