Thursday, December 31, 2009

What a year!

As today is the last day of 2009, I figured it was a good time to report on our resolutions.


1. Run two half marathons. Unfortunately, I was thwarted in this goal because of this. But I did run 26 miles in races.

2. Finish the frog quilt I started last year. Done.

3. Read every Ensign cover-to-cover. Done. I finished the December one over a week ago!


1. Complete a triathlon. Done. He even got me to do it with him!

2. Eat more salads. This one is hard to quantify, but I will vouch for him that yes, he did eat more salads.

3. Finish reading the Chronicles of Narnia series. Done.

And our goals together:

1. Visit Zion, Canyonlands, Arches, and Capitol Reef National Parks. Done.

2. Swim in the Great Salt Lake. Done.

3. Go on a hot air balloon ride. Done.

4. Visit the temples in Utah we haven't already visited. We are in the process of this. We still have Vernal, Ogden, Manti, and the Oquirrh Mountain temples left. But considering there are 13 operating in Utah right now, I think we did pretty good.

2009 has been a very busy year for us. There were many more ups than downs. We got to see so much of Utah, visit Alaska for the first time, run the streets of Disneyland, and so much more. And now we are blessed to have our first child growing inside me. We can't wait to see what 2010 will bring!

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  1. Movers and shakers! Nice job completing all those resolutions! I can also vouch that Rog ate more salad. I swear every time we went to dinner there he was with a salad.

  2. Great job you two! Quite admirable! When is the list for 2010 coming out? No rest for the "Super Citizens"! :)

  3. Shauna - So I just found your blog and saw that you are pregnant! Congrats! All those resolutions are pretty impressive! Sounds like things are going well for you!

  4. You guys are amazing!

    I'd say the total miles ran is 26 so that should count for two half marathons.

    2010 will be the best yet as we welcome the new addition into our family.

  5. Hi! So funny, i have been reading your blog too :) ill add you to the list. You and your hubby are so cute, sounds like you guys are doing grrat! Happy New Year!

  6. I'm very sorry that your knee thwarted your 2 half-marathons goal. Still, it seems like you guys did pretty well last year. And YES we would love more information about your job. That sounds perfect!

  7. It will be great to watch BYU Cougars, i have bought tickets from looking forward to it.
