Saturday, January 9, 2010

Anthony and McKae's Wedding

Roger's little sister, McKae, got married January 2nd in the Salt Lake temple. It was a beautiful day, but very very COLD! It was fun for Rog and I to attend a sealing in the Salt Lake temple and see what our guests experienced when we got married there almost 3 years ago! Here they are coming out of the temple as Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gonzalez.

They had the reception at a church in Mapleton. We spent most of the day on the 1st getting everything set up. All the guys strung lights across the ceiling. Kenzie designed an arch for the line and made the serving tables beautiful. Roger's cousin, Julie, did the food (with the help of her mom and sister, Amanda). It was simply amazing - they should seriously go into business together! Roger and I had made up about 16 batches of punch while we were in Colorado and we were on punch duty most of the night. It was fun to see everyone come together to put the reception on.

Congrats Anthony and McKae!
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  1. Nice job on the photos and blog!

    The punch looks delicious!

  2. Oh, i already love McKae, she seems fun and silly from the photos...or maybe she's just cold! :) Love the skirt on her dress!
